Tip Top Mount Washington -taken or painted in 1856 by one Mr. [John Denison] Crocker. This picture represents the tip top House on the lefthand as built and used by S[amuel]. F. & J[ohn] H. Spaulding also the Summer House as built by J[oseph] S. Hall and L[ucius M.] Rosebrook. / Summit House built in 1852 / Tip top ” ” 1853. / The observatory showed by the picture was erected in 1856 by Timothy Eaton at at cost of $500, I bo[u]ght it in company with J. S. Hall in 1857 for 30. It proved a failure as most people felt that they were high enough without being carried any higher by risk of machinery breaking. / J. H. S.

Painting, Crocker, Crocker Gallery