Alfred Hermann Schroff was a painter, craftsperson, etcher, and teacher whose last known address was Carmel, CA. He studied with De Camp, Major, Chominski, and at the Cowles Art School. He moved from Boston to Eugene, OR in 1915 to become an art professor at the University of Oregon. He became the head of the department in the early 1920s. Although one of Oregon’s most highly respected landscape painters, his works are not all that common, since he had a nervous breakdown in the late 1920s.
He was a member of the Boston Art Club, the Boston Architects Club, the Laguna Beach Artists Association, the Pacific Artists Association, the Oakland Artists League, the Society of Oregon Artists, the Carmel Artists Club, and the Copley Society.
He exhibited at the Columbian Expo in Chicago in 1893 (medal), in Seattle, WA in 1923 (prize), in Springville, UT in 1923 (prize), at the Diploma Beaux Arts, Fountainebleau in 1924, and at the World’s Columbian, Kingston, Jamaica (medal).
Among the Clouds from July 17 and August 28, 1888 indicated that H. Schroff of Boston “has taken rooms at the North Conway House again this season” and was painting a scene of the “old mill near Artist Falls House with Moat Mountain and Cathedral rocks as the background. Although not yet finished, the work promises to be a beautiful one, and the scene and objects selected, shows an artistic insight”
Charles Vogel and Allen Vogel
Mark Humpal
Who Was Who in American Art