Edmund Darch Lewis was born in Philadelphia on October 17, 1835 to a successful, wealthy, well-connected family. He studied with Paul Weber from 1850 to 1855. Lewis exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts for many years beginning in 1854. His works were widely esteemed. He was elected an Associate of the Pennsylvania Academy in 1859. Lewis sent paintings for exhibition to the Boston Athenaeum (1858 to 1869) and the National Academy of Design (1860). He visited the White Mountains frequently, for dated paintings of the area range from 1857 to 1876. New Hampshire paintings with the following titles were exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
1858 – Evening at North Conway
1858 – Lake Winnipiseogee (W/C)
1858 – Mount Washington (W/C)
1858 – Chocorua Mountain (W/C)
1859 – View in the White Mountains
1859 – Distant View of Mt. Washington
1859 – Intervale North Conway Mount Washington
1862 – Evening on Lake Winnipiseogee
1862 – Scene in the White Mountains
1865 – Lake Winnipiseogee
1866 – Valley of the Pemegewasset
1866 – Lake Winnipiseogee
1868 – Valley of the Merrimac River N.H.
1876 – The Old Man of the Mountain: Franconia Notch (W/C)
1877 – Valley of the Amonoosuck
1881 – First Touch of Autumn: Valley of the Amonoosuck
He became best known for his watercolor marines. His earlier work is considered technically better than his later work. He was very prolific, sometimes doing two to three canvases a day. His “mass-produced” work made him a handsome profit, and he became know as a noted furniture and china collector.
Lewis died in Philadelphia on August 12, 1910.
- 1858
- 1864
- 1870
- 1871
- 1876
- 1876
- 1884
- 1889
New Hampshire Scenery