What’s New

Added an image of Mount Webster to the Webster, Saco River, Crawford Notch, and Shapleigh galleries.

Replaced an image of Eagle Cliff by Edward Hill.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff by Edward Hill. to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, Franconia Notch, and EHill galleries. Added details to an image of Eagle Cliff.

Added an image of Welch Mountain to the Welch, Pemigewasset, and Gay galleries. Added an image of Welch Mountain to the Welch, Pemigewasset, and Durand galleries.

Added Boston Evening Transcript mentions to Bradford Freeman’s bio.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, and EHill galleries.

Added a Giant Stairs Gallery. Added a Structures Gallery. Added an image of The Old Mill in Jackson to the Giant Stairs, Structures, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added a Prang chromolithograph of Mount Chocorua to the BChampney gallery. Added a Photo Comparison of Champney of Chocorua to a Prang chromolithograph of Mount Chocorua.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua, Moat, Artist Brook, and BChampney galleries.

Added signature and verso sketch to Edward Hill painting of Franconia Range from Legro’s  Hill

Added a newspaper clipping of a David Johnson painting of the Old Man of the Mountain now on view at the New Hampshire State House

Added a Conway Lake (aka Walker’s Pond or Gould’s Pond) gallery

Added an image of Echo Lake to the Echo Lake, Artist Bluff, Franconia Notch, and EHill galleries.

Added an image of Mounts Washington and Pleasant to the Washington, Pleasant, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added an image of Elephant’s Head to the Webster, Elephant’s Head, and AFisher galleries. Added a higher resolution image of Mount Washington to the Washington and BChampney galleries.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and McConnell galleries.

Replaced an image of Eagle Cliff with a hi-resolution version.

Replaced a Bierstadt of Echo Lake with a higher resolution image. Replaced a Hodgdon of Eagle Cliff with a higher resolution image. Added additional information and links to Peter Van Saul biography.

Added a biography for a new White Mountain artist, Mary L. Foster.

Added a signature and details to a painting of Mount Washington by Shattuck. Added a signature and a detail to a painting of Mount Washington by Bricher. Added a photo of George Waters to his bio.

Added the signature on Shattuck of Mount Chocorua.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential Range and Hibbard galleries. Added a Portrait of Danial Huntington to his bio and images of the artists.  Added an 1870 signature to Edmund Darch Lewis bio. Added an image of the verso inscription to a Shattuck painting of Mount Chocorua.

Added an image of Wildcat River and Moat Mountain to the Wildcat River, Moat Mountain, and Freeland galleries.

Added an 1879 signature to the Hodgdon bio. Added a photo comparison of Bierstadt’s Starks Mountain, Added Details to a William Hart painting of Mount Chocorua and Moat Mountain.

Added details to an image of Mount Washington by Gerry

Added details to an image of Mount Madison by Holmes.

Replaced an 1874 Holmes signature.

Added an image Near the Summit of Mount Washington to the Washington and TCole galleries.

Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette and Santry galleries. Added an image of Pearl Cascade to the Pearl Cascade and JSelinger galleries.

Added an image of the White Mountains from Fernald’s Hill to the Brownell Gallery.

Added a signature to a Scott of Mount Chocorua. Added an image of Moat Mountain and Humphrey’s Ledge to the Moat, Humphrey’s, and Brownell galleries.

Added 1907 obituary to JWA Scott Biography
Added 1907 funeral notice to George Albert Frost Biography

Added an 1863 signature to GLBrown’s bio;. Added a photo of Granville Perkins to his bio. Added an image of the Presidentail Range to the Presidential Range and JHHill galleries.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential Range and Enneking galleries. Add an image of Shapleigh to his bio. Added an 1877 signature to Shapleigh’s bio. Added an image of Crawford Notch to the Crawford Notch gallery and the newly created Heath gallery. Added a bio for Frank Lucien Heath.

Added some links from Edward Hill paintings  of Presidential Range from Lancaster and from Mountain View House to 1985 Edward Hill Exhibition Catalog Edward Hill: A Man Of His Time (1843-1923)

Added an Annotated Topographical Features page of Enneking and Mount Washington. Added a photo of Eldred at his easel to his bio. Added a signature and verso inscription to an image of Mount Madison by Eldred.

Added a signature to the Freeman of North Conway. Replaced a David Johnson of Moat Mountain.

Added an image of Pinkham Notch to the Pinkham Notch and Brownell galleries. Replaced an image of White Horse Ledge by McConnell. Added signature and detail to an image of Mount Washington by BChampney. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, and McConnell galleries. Added am image of the Kearsarge House to the Hotels, North Conway, and BChampney galleries.

Added an image of the North Conway Intervale and Moat Mountain to the Moat and Brownell galleries. Added images of Charles DeWolf Brownell.

Added an image of Lafayette Brook to the Lafayette Brook and EHill galleries. Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge, North Conway Ledges, Moat, and Brownell galleries.

Added biographical information on Alice Balch Stone

Added an image of Mount Moosilauke to the Moosilauke and Edward Hill galleries.

Added an image of North Conway to the North Conway, Chocorua, and David Johnson galleries.

Added an image of Glen Ellis Falls to the Glen Ellis Falls and Brownell galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsaarge and Ordway galleries.

Added an image of Moat Mountain and the North Conway Ledges to the Moat, North Conway Ledges, and Cropsey galleries.

Added additional images of artists to the artist images page

Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette and Hilliard galleries.

Added an 1871 signature to the Scott bio. Replaced the verso image of the Fuechsel of Chocorua and Moat Mountains. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Gerry galleries.

Added list of White Mountain paintings exhibited by Edmund Darch Lewis at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Added newspaper clippings on George Inness and  J. A. S. Monks provided to us by Charles Vogel and Allen Vogel.

Added brief bios for previously unknown artists who exhibited  at the AMC exhibition of 1877. The new artists are John Austin Sands Monks, Miss H. M. Knowlton, Miss E. Scott, Miss E. Adams, Miss Curtis, A. Dyckerman, Edwards, Mrs. W. G. Nowell, E. F. Fenollosa, and Miss Susan Hale.

Added Literature links to various paintings by Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Cole, Benjamin Champney, Edward Hill, and Samuel Lancaster Gerry.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff and Hodgdon galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington Gallery and newly created Titcomb Gallery.

Added a detail of the Flume House to a Hodgdon of Franconia Notch. Replaced an image of Mount Lafayette by Thomas Hill. Added signatures to the bios of Sonntag, WCraig, and Gay.

Added an initialed signature to the Gerry bio.

Added an image of Whiteface Mountain to the Whiteface and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Cherry Mountain to the Cherry Mountain and Key galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and newly created Enneking Gallery.

Added a Swift River Gallery. Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat, Swift, and Scott galleries.

Added verso inscription and details to an image of Moat Mountain by Füchsel.

Added two signatures to the Hilliard bio.

Added an image of the Ossipee Mountains to the Winnipesaukee, Ossipee, and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Artist Brook to the Artist Brook and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Jackson Falls to the Jackson Falls and Shapleigh galleries. Added a photo of Schafer to his bio.

Added verso images to an image of Mount Moosilauke by Edward Hill.

Added an image of The Old Man to the Old Man and EHill galleries.

Added a bio for the artist Granville Perkins.

Replaced an image of Kinsman Falls by Edward Hill.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and DJohnson galleries.

Added an 1875 signature to BChampny’s bio. Added an 1867 signature to DJohnson’s bio. Added a verso signature to DJohnson’s bio. Added an 1861 signature to Russ’s bio.

Added a sketch of Robbins to his bio. Added 1860, 1866, 1867, and 1872 signatures to the Bricher bio. Added a signature to an image of Mount Washington by Bricher.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential Range and Shattuck galleries.

Added an image of Starks Mountain to the Starks Mountain and Bierstadt galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and BChampney galleries.

Added a signature to an image of Mount Madison by Hodgdon. Replaced an image of Carter Notch by BChampney.

Added an image of Mount Paugus to the Paugus and Paskell galleries. Added a photo comparison of Paskell to Mount Paugus.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Ordway galleries.

Added an annotated topographical features page of Key’s Cherry Mountain. Added an image of Carter Notch to the Carter Notch, Wildcat River, and Mabel WIlliams galleries.

Added an image of Cherry Mountain to the Cherry Mountain, Garfield, Lafayette, and Key galleries.

Added a detail to a Key of the Presidential Range.

Added an 1879 signature to an image of Franconia Mountains by GLBrown. Added an updated 1872 signature to an image of Presidential Range by JRKey.

Added a bio of William H. Titcomb.

Added an 1879 signature to the HBBrown bio. Added an 1869 signature to the Hodgdon bio. Added an image of Colonel James Fairman to the Fairman bio and images of the artists.

Added an 1850 signature to the Gerry bio. Added an image of Gerry to his bio.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Niles galleries.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and DJohnson galleries. Added an image of The Old Man to the Old Man and EHill galleries. Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential Range and Fairman galleries.

Added an 1864 signature to the Bricher bio. Added an 1867 signature to the Durand bio. Added a signature to the Darius Cobb bio.

Added Publication information on some FH Shapleigh paintings of Crawford Notch and Old Man of the Mountain

Added an image of Crawford Notch to the Crawford Notch, Saco Lake, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Ellis River, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added an image of Mount Jefferson and Mount Adams to the Jefferson, Adams, Peabody River, Pinkham Notch, and WHart galleries.

Added an image of Artist Brook to the Artist Brook and BChampney galleries.

Added an image of Franconia Notch to the Franconia Notch, Pemigewasset, and Unknown galleries.

Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette, Franconia Notch, and Weisman galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and HBBrown galleries.

Added an image of Cherry Mountain to the Cherry Mountain, Lafayette, and Key galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Unknown Artists galleries.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential Range and Shattuck galleries.

Added a photo of Lemuel D. Eldred. Added an image of Cathedral Ledge to the Cathedral Ledge and Mignot galleries. Added an 1874 signature to the Hodgdon bio. Added an 1879 signature to William Hart bio.

Added an image of Giant Steps by Sears Gallagher to the new Stair Mountain Gallery. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Huntington Ravine, and Gallagher galleries. Added a bio of Louis Remy Mignot.

Added a replacement image of Mount Chocorua by Kensett. Added an 1862 signature to James Hart’s bio. Added an 1870 signature to James Fairman’s bio.

Added an image of Doublehead Mountain to the Doublehead and Gallagher galleries. Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette and Ferguson galleries. Added a replacement image of Mount Chocorua by Kensett. Added a photo comparison of Diana’s Baths to a Champney painting.

Added an 1857 self-portrait to the Gifford bio. Added a signature to an image of The Old Man by Edward Hill.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Madison, Androscoggin, and DJohnson galleries.

Added an image of Crawford Notch from Mount Willard to the Crawford Notch and BChampney galleries.

Added an image of Covered Bridge to the Jackson and Dickson galleries.

Added an image of Carter Notch to the Carter Notch, Wildcat River, and HBBrown galleries.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Bricher galleries. Added an undated signature to Bricher’s bio.

Added an 1858 signature to a Champney of Mount Washington. Added an undated signature to Champney’s bio.

Added 1863 and 1864 signatures to Champney’s bio. Added an 1869 signature to a Champney of Kearsarge.

Added an 1851 and an 1859 signature to Durand’s bio. Added a signature to an 1854 painting by BChampney of Carter Notch.

Added an image of Mount Moosilauke to the Moosilauke and Edward Hill galleries. Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette and Santry galleries. Added an 1864 signature to Colman’s bio. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Paskell galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Gallagher galleries.

Added an image of Eldred’s gravestone to his bio. Added an updated signature to JSellinger’s bio. Added an 1871 signature to Bricher’s bio. Added a photo of JHart to his bio. Ordered JHart photos by age, youngest to oldest.

Added an image of Mount Madison to the Madison, Androscoggin, and Holmes galleries.

Added an image of The Old Man to the Old Man, Profile Lake, and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Lake Winnipesaukee to the Ossipee, Winnipesaukee, and RSmith galleries. Added photos to Sonntag’s bio.

Added an1875 signature to Scott’s bio and an 1896 signature to Ordway’s bio.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential and Key galleries. Added an early photo of Mary Ann Hayes Safford and a 1901 signature to her bio.

Retitled an image by Beaman. Added a bio of Sears Gallagher.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Scott galleries. Added a photo of Aldro Thompson Hibbard to his bio.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Lafayette, Echo Lake, and EHill galleries.

Updated biography of Lemuel D. Eldred with corrected birth and death dates.

Added an image of Glen Ellis Falls to the Glen Ellis and BChampney galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Dickson galleries.

Added an image of Mouth Washington and Mount Madison to the Washington, Madison, and Holmes galleries.

Added a sketch of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Huntington galleries.

Added an image of Mounts Washington and Madison to the Washington, Madison, and Hodgdon galleries.

Added an image of Artist Brook to the Artist Brook and Bricher galleries.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Kensett galleries. Added an verso image of a painting of Mount Lafayette by David Johnson. Added a sketch of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette and Sketch galleries. Added a comparison of a sketch of Mount Lafayette to a painting of Mount Lafayette.

Added an image of Ripley Falls to the Ripley Falls and BChampney galleries.

Added an image of The Old Man to the Old Man, Profile Lake, and McConnell galleries.

Added a photo comparison of David Johnson’s Mount Washington from North Conway to a view of North Conway.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and THill galleries. Replaced an image of Moat Mountain by Colman.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Shattuck galleries. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Coombs galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and BChampney galleries. Added two signatures to the Cropsey bio.

Added an image of Crystal Cascade to the Crystal Cascade, Pinkham Notch, and HMartin galleries. Added an image of Moat Mountain from an Old Barn to the Moat and Shapleigh galleries. Added a 1909 signature to the McConnell bio. Added a signature to the Knapp bio. Added am image of the Emerald Pool to the Emerald Pool, Pinkham Notch, and Hodgdon galleries.

Added a Sketch Comparison of William Hart to Mount Moriah. Added a second 1838 signature to Gerry’s bio. Added a signature to McEntee’s bio. Added a signature and verso image to a Shapleigh of Crawford Notch. Added an image of Artist Falls to the Artist Falls and Edwin Champney galleries. Added an image of Tuckerman’s Ravine to Tuckerman’s, Pinkham Notch, and HBBrown galleries. Added a bio for Homer Dodge Martin.

Replaced a Shattuck image of Mount Chocorua. Replaced a Shattuck image of Mount Washington from the North Conway Intervale. Added a photo of Jean Paul Selinger to his bio. Added a photo of Martha Ann Hayes Safford to her bio. Added a photo gallery to the bio of Emily Harris Selinger. Add an image of his gravestone to the bio of C. B. Russ.

Added a sketch of Mount Moriah and North Carter to the Moriah, North Carter, Androscoggin River, and William Hart galleries.

Added an image of the Ellis River to the Ellis River, Pinkham Notch, and BChampney galleries. Added an image of Mount Moriah and North Carter to the Moriah, North Carter, Androscoggin River, and William Hart galleries.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential, Peabody River, and William Hart galleries. Added an image of The Old Man to the Old Man, Profile Lake, and Edward Hill galleries. Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat, Jackson Falls, and Merrill galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Shattuck galleries. Added a signature and a detail to an image of Mount Chocorua by Benjamin Champney. Replaced the verso image of Moat Mountain by Lewis. Added an image of Old Mill on the Ellis River to the Goodrich Falls and Shapleigh galleries.

Added a 1929 signature to the Dickson bio. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and BChampney galleries. Added an image of Mount Washington from Artist Brook to the Washington, Artist Brook, and BChampney galleries. Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Shapleigh galleries.

Added an 1920 signature to the Edward Hill bio. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Edward Hill galleries.

Added a bio of Martha Ann Safford.

Added another detail and the signature to an image of Mount Kearsarge by Gerry. Replaced an image of Mount Washington by Wyant. Added a gallery for William H. Weisman. Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Weisman gallery. Added a second 1858 signature to the Gerry bio.

Added six details to an image of Mount Kearsarge by Gerry.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Russell Smith galleries.

Added a gallery for the Connecticut River.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Ammonoosuc, and RSmith galleries.

Added an image of a Pond Near Winnipesukee to the Ossipee and Russell Smith galleries.

Added an image of Mount Starr King to the Starr King, Connecticut River, and JMHart galleries. Added an image of Goodrich Falls to the Goodrich Falls and JWHill galleries. Added two new images to the Paskell bio.

Deleted the erroneous information on the American artist Paul Ritter.

Added a signature to John Ross Key bio and an 1872 painting. Added a detail to a painting by Key of Washington.

Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette, Gale River, and Miles galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and HBBrown galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Gifford galleries.

Added an 1868 signature to the George Henry Smillie bio.

Added a second example of an 1885 signature to Shaplegh’s bio. Added an image of Mount Chocorua from Old Barn in Eaton NH to the Chocorua and Shapleigh galleries.

Added the birth and dates dates for Charles Betton Russ.

Added an image of Mount Washington from the Ellis River Meadows to the Washington, Ellis River, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added 2020 Catalogue Raisonné by Gary Stiles of William Hart to the Bibliography. Order from the author, Gary Stiles. Added an image of an Old Barn to the Shapleigh gallery.

Added an image of Mounts Washington, Jefferson, and Adams to the Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Peabody River, and Lewis galleries.

Added signature and details to an image of Mount Kearsarge by E. T. Wilson.

Added an 1877 signature to the Ogilvie bio. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and DJohnson galleries. Added the verso image to Lewis of North Conway.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Champney galleries.

Added a signature to a Newman painting of Chocorua. Added a signature to a Newman painting of Chocorua from Fryeburg.

Added a signature to a Newman painting of Kearsarge.

Added a link to Luminous Terrain exhibit.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge, Diana’s Baths, and Champney galleries.

Added a detail and signature to an image of Mount Washington by Champney. Added a second 1879 signature to Champney’s bio.

Added an image of Kearsarge House from Artist Brook to the Artist Brook, Hotels, and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Ordway galleries.

Added an image of The Gate of the Notch to the Crawford Notch and Alvan Fisher galleries.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Bricher galleries.

Added details to an image of Mount Lafayette by Bierstadt. Added an engraving of Durand to his bio.

Added an image of the Franconia Range to the Franconia, Pemigewasset, and Durand galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Shattuck galleries. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Ellis River, and Gerry galleries.

Added a Photos section to Defrees bio.

Added an 1876 signature and typical verso inscription to Young’s bio. Added a signature to the William Hart bio and to a painting of Mount Madison.

Added Annotated Topographical Features for Mount Adams from the Glen. Added a signature to Hilliard’s bio. Added an 1879 signature to Gifford’s bio.

Added details to an image of Gerry of Chocorua. Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Mounts Adams and Madison to the Adams, Madison, Androscoggin, and Eldred galleries. Added a signature to the Blakelock bio. Added a detail of fisherman in a Russell Smith painting of Kearsarge. Replaced an image of Gerry of Chocorua.

Added an 1858 signature to Higgins bio. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and McConnell galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Gerry galleries. Added signatures to the James Hart bio.

Added a second portrait of Frances Longfellow to her bio. Added an image of Birches at Jackson Falls to the Jackson Falls and Shapleigh galleries. Added an 1868 signature to Shapleigh’s bio. Added 1838 and 1839 signatures to Gerry’s bio.

Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette, Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake, and Edward Hill galleries.

Added new information to the bio of Jesse Talbot based on an extensive article in the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, including his birth date of 1805, not 1806 as often referenced.

Added an image of the Old Man to the Old Man and Edward Hill galleries. Added an image of Mount Adams to the Adams and Moran galleries.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Lafayette, Echo Lake, and Edward Hill galleries.

Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat and Lewis galleries.

Added an image of Mount Webster to the Crawford Notch, Webster, and Unknown galleries.

Added an image of Goodrich Falls to the Goodrich Falls and Newman galleries.

Replaced a portrait of John White Allen Scott. Added a portrait of Casilear by Durand to Casilear’s bio. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Ammonoosuc, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added signature to an image of Eagle Cliff .

Added an 1860 and 1869 signatures to Kensett’s bio. Added an 1872 signature to Thomas Hill’s bio. Added an 1878 signature to Shapleigh’s bio. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Turner galleries.

Added a painting by Shapleigh of his Studio to his bio.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Newman galleries.

Added a comparison of Freeman’s Mount Chocorua and Squam Lake to a print in Starr Kings book, The White Hills.

Added a verso image to the Freeman of Chocorua from Squam.

Added links to the page related to Defrees death.

Added a better sketch of Scott to his bio. Added a higher resolution image of Franconia Notch by Edward Hill.

Added a higher resolution image of Summer Afternoon on the Saco by Bricher.

Added a higher resolution image of Mount Washington by Freeman. Added a higher resolution image of Gibbs Falls by Robinson.

Added an image of the Old Man to the Old Man and Steward galleries.

Added an image of the Ossipees to the Ossipee and RSmith galleries. Replaced an image of Moat Mountain by Samuel Colman. Added an 1878 signature to the Hodgdon bio. Added an image of Gifford’s gravestone to his bio. Added a biography for Seth Wyman Steward. Added a photo of Hotchkiss to his bio.

Added signature to the George Albert Frost bio. Added a photo of Gifford to his bio. Replaced an image of Heade of Mount Washington.

Added an 1876 title and signature to the Lewis bio. Added a 1912 signature to the Coombs bio. Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat, North Conway Ledges, and DJohnson galleries.

Created an index page for Annotated Topographical Features.

Added an annotated image of Mounts Madison and Adams. Added a sketch of Mounts Madison and Adams to the Madison, Adams, and Champney galleries. Added a tombstone to the bio of Alvan Fisher. Added a self-portrait to Turner’s bio.

Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat and Shapleigh galleries. Added an image of Mount Madison to the Madison, Adams, Androscoggin, and Champney galleries.

Added a signature to Newman’s bio. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua, Silver Lake, and Paskell galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Paskell galleries.

Added signature and details to an image of the Old Man. Added an image of Mount Israel to the Israel, Bearcamp, and Scott galleries.

Replaced an image of Mount Chocorua by Nichols. Replaced an image of Eagle Cliff by Gay. Replaced an image of Eagle Cliff by McEntee. Added an image of the Old Man to the Old Man, Profile Lake, and David Johnson galleries.

Added a self-portrait to the John Burgum bio.

Added an image of Glen Ellis Falls to the Glen Ellis and CBeckett galleries. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, and Gay galleries.

Added an image of Glen Ellis Falls to the Glen Ellis and Hammond galleries.

Added an image of The Notch House to the Hotels, Crawford Notch, Elephant’s Head, Webster, and Shapleigh galleries. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Thomas Hill galleries.

Added a signature to the John WIlliam Hill bio.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Higgins galleries. Added an image of Echo Lake to the Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, and Edward Hill galleries.

Added signature and a detail to an an image of Mount Washington by Champney. Added an image of Echo Lake to the Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, and Ferguson galleries.

Added an 1847 signature to the Champney bio. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Champney galleries.

Added detials to an image of Mount Washington by Champney. Added an undated signature to the Champney bio.

Added details to an image of Mount Chocorua by Kensett. Replaced an image of Mount Chocorua by Champney. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Champney galleries.

Added signature to an image of Mount Chocorua by Kensett.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Nichols galleries. Replaced an image of Mount Chocorua by Kensett.

Replaced an image of Franconia Notch by Edward Hill. Added details.

Added Moosilauke Gallery and an image of Mount Moosilauke to the Moosilauke and Edward Hill galleries.

Added an image of the Tip Top House on Mount Washington by Crocker to the Hotels and Crocker galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Kensett galleries.

Added a detail of an image of a painting from Mount Willard by Shapleigh. Replaced the image of Mount Washingotn by Luthy. Added an 1859 signature to Scott’s bio. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, Edward Hill  galleries.

Added a new Cairn Gallery. Added an image of the Cairn on Mount Madison to the Cairn and Marlatt galleries. Added a Photo Comparison of the Cairn on Mount Madison.

Added biographies of the twin brothers Cyrus Cobb and Darius Cobb.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Leganger galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and RSmith galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and DJohnson galleries. Added an example of the signature of Edmund Darch Lewis from 1884 to his bio.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake, Lafayette, and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Saco River, and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Lafayette, Echo Lake, and Bricher galleries. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Artist Brook, and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Champney’s gravestone to his biography.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Newman galleries. Added an images of George Loring Brown’s gravestone to his biography.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Lafayette, Echo Lake and David Johnson galleries.

Changed Acknowledgements from one column to two columns.

Added an image of the Presidential Range to the Presidential Range and Key galleries. Replaced an image of The Flume by Gerry.

Updated the information on the self-portrait of Henry Cheever Pratt.

Added an image of Gray’s Inn to the Hotels and Unknown Artists galleries. Added an image of Iron Mountain House to the Hotels and Griggs galleries.

Added an image of Tuckerman’s Ravine and Lion’s Head to the Tuckerman’s Ravine, Pinkham Notch, and Edward Hill galleries. Added an image of the Gardens at Gray’s Inn to the Hotels and Freeland galleries.

Added an unsigned image of Glen Ellis Falls to the Glen Ellis Falls and Edward Hill galleries.

Replaced an image of Mount Chocorua by Champney.

Added a sketch comparison of Mount Chocorua by Champney.

Added a sketch comparison of Ripley Falls by Champney.

Added a sketch comparison of the Ammonosuc River and Littleton, NH by Gerry.

Added a sketch comparison of The Flume to a painting by Gerry.

All Paintings now is all paintings; All Sketches now is all sketches. That is, there is no overlap within those two galleries. Added a sketch comparison of Old Man of the Mountain to a painting by Gerry.

Added a gallery of All White Mountain Art Sketches. Added links to All Paintings and All Sketches to the sidebar menu. Added a sketch comparison of Thompson Falls in North Conway to a painting of Thompson Falls by Champney. Added a sketch comparison of Mount Washington to a painting by Edmund Darch Lewis of Mount Washington.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Champney galleries. Added a sketch comparison of Mount Kearsarge to a portrait orientation  painting of Mount Kearsarge.

Added exhibition and literature references to paintings exhibited in From Sketch to Canvas.

To optimize the space on the Artists and Subjects pages, I put entries in two columns.

Added a better image of Mount Kearsarge by Champney to the site. Added a sketch comparison of Mount Kearsarge by Champney.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and David Johnson galleries.

Added a signature example to N. T. Johnson’s bio.

Added a signature example to McConnell’s bio. Added a better image of Mount Washington by McConnell to the site.

Added a better image of Mount Lafayette by Bierstadt to the site. Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Luthy galleries. Added an image of the Old Man to the Old Man and Merrill galleries.

Added a signature and verso inscription to an image of Moat Mountain by George Loring Brown.

Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat, North Conway Ledges, and Colman galleries.

Added a photo of Daniel Sprague Parkhurst to his biography.

Added an image of the Ellis River to the Ellis, Pinkham, and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and N. T. Johnson galleries.

Added a portrait of Kensett to his bio. Added a sketch portrait of Gerry to his bio.

Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Bricher galleries.

Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat and Defrees galleries.

Added a signature example to Delbert Dana Coomb’s bio.

Added a signature example to Charles Knapp’s bio.

Added a self-portrait of David Johnson to his bio.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Mount Lafayette, Echo Lake, and Thomas Hill galleries.

Added a better image to the comparison page of Newcomb’s painting of the summit house on Mount Kearsarge. Added an image of the Ammonoosuc River to the Ammonoosuc and Gerry galleries.

Added an 1873 signature to Bricher’s bio. Added an 1866 signature to Ferguson’s bio. Added an 1862 signature to Gifford’s bio. Replaced an image of Lake Winnipesaukee by Thomas Cole.

Added an image of the gravestone of McConnell to McConnell’s bio.

Added example of Gifford signatures from 1861, 1869, and 1873 to Gifford’s bio.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and HBBrown galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and McConnell galleries.

Added a signature to the bio of William Hart.

Added an image of Mount Madison to the Madison and William Hart galleries.

Added an image of a younger Francis Seth Frost to his bio.

Added two photo comparisons of paintings to Mill Brook Cascade stereo, one to a George Loring Brown painting and one to a Samuel Lancaster Gerry painting.

Added an image of Mount Washington from the Intervale to the Washington and Key galleries.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge to the Kearsarge and Gerry galleries. Added a signature example to the Leganger biography. Added an image of The Flume to the Flume and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington and Mount Madison to the Washington, Madison, and Shattuck galleries. Added signature examples to the updated Dickson biography.

Added an image of Jackson Falls to the Jackson Falls and McConnell galleries. Added a David Johnson signature to his biography and his painting of Goodrich Falls.

Added an image of Moat Mountain and White Horse Ledge to the Moat, White Horse, and Smillie galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Paskell galleries.

Added a portrait of Albert Fitch Bellows to his biography. Added an image of The Old Man to the Old Man and McConnell galleries. Added an image of Goodrich Falls to the Goodrich Falls and Johnson galleries.

Added a portrait of Charles DeWolf Brownell to his biography.

Added a portrait of Daniel Huntington to his biography.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Clinton Ogilvie to his biography.

Added an image of the Emerald Pool to the Emerald Pool and HBBrown galleries.

Added an image of Mount Adams to the Adams, Pinkham Notch, and Bierstadt galleries.

Added a portrait of William Trost Richards to his bio. Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Lafayette and Johnson galleries.

Added an image of Wildcat River to the Wildcat Brook, Jackson Falls, and Ogilvie galleries. Added an image of Moat Mountain to the Moat, Jackson, and Ogilvie galleries.

Added a page of poems by Emily Selinger. The page is linked to her biography. Added a photo of John Ross Key to his bio.

Added an image of Artist Brook to the Artist Brook and Champney galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Chocorua and Durand galleries. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and Gerry galleries. Replaced an image of Artist Falls by Benjamin Champney. Added a signature to the Blakelock bio.

Added an image of Mount Kearsarge with signature and details to the Kearsarge and Champney galleries.

Added an image of Lake Winnipesaukee to the Winnipesaukee and Young galleries. Image has both a signature and verso inscription.

Added an image of Kinsman Falls to the Edward Hill and Kinsman Falls galleries.

Added an 1882 signature to the Hodgdon biography. Added am image of Gibbs Falls to the Robinson and Gibbs Falls galleries. Added a Photo Comparison of Gibbs Falls to Robinson painting of Gibbs Falls.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington, Ellis River, and Champney galleries.

Added a biography of Clinton Ogilvie.

Added two photos of Wyant to his bio.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle CliffFranconia Notch, and Bierstadt galleries.

Added an image of the Franconia Range to the Franconia Range, Franconia Notch, and Shapleigh galleries.

Added a portrait sketch of George Albert Frost to his bio. Added an image from the Top of White Horse Ledge to the White Horse and Gifford galleries. Added an early signature to Gerry’s bio. Added a photo of William Hart to his bio. Added a photo of James Hart to his bio. Added a photo of James Smillie to his bio. Added a portrait of John Carleton Wiggins to his bio.

Added an image of Mill Brook Cascade to the Mill Brook and Gerry galleries. Added a bio for Winckworth Allan Gay. Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake, Franconia Notch and Gay galleries.

Added two photos of Russell Smith to his bio.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, and David Johnson galleries. Added an image of Mount Washington (with details) to the Washington and Scott galleries.

Added a self-portrait to the bio of William T. Robinson.

Added signatures to Scott, GFrost, Custer, and AThompson biographies. Added an image of Tuckerman’s Ravine to the Tuckerman’s and Gerry galleries.

Added an image of Cannon Mountain to the Cannon, Franconia Notch, and GLBrown galleries.

Added an image of Ralph Albert Blakelock at about 51 years of age to his biography.

Added an image of Mill-Brook Cascade to the Mill-Brook and GLBrown galleries.

Added an image of Eagle Cliff to the Eagle Cliff, Profile Lake, Franconia Notch and Sonntag galleries.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Washington and Shattuck galleries.

Added a signature to a painting of Franconia North by Hodgdon.

Added an image of Mount Lafayette to the Hodgdon, Lafayette, and Franconia Notch galleries.

Added a biography of Robert J. Pattison.

Added a photo of Emily Selinger to her bio.

Added an 1855 signature to the Durand bio.

Added John White Allen Scott signature from 1856, 1857, and 1867 to his bio. Added an 1878 signature to Selinger’s bio.

Added an image of Mount Washington to the Champney and Washington galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Darrah and Chocorua galleries.

Added an image of Echo Lake by Gerry. Added a better image of Fuechsel of Moat. Added an image of Littlefield Ravine by Edward Hill to the Jackson and Hill galleries. Added an image of Moat Mountain in Winter to the Champney, Moat, and Winter galleries. Added an image of Mount Madison to the new Holmes and Madison galleries. Added an image of Mount Chocorua to the Paskell and Chocorua galleries. Added a portrait image of Edward L. Custer to his bio. Added a third photo to the Shattuck bio.

Added a better image of young Thomas Hill to his bio. Added a better image of Franconia Notch by Hodgdon. Added an image of Mount Washington by Gerry.

Added an image of Thomas Starr King to the Mount Starr King Gallery.

Added an image of Casilear to his bio and Images of the Artists. Added a self-portrait of Ordway to his bio and Images of the Artists.

Added an 1868 signature to a Bricher of Mount Kearsarge. Added an 1859 signature to a Durand of Mount Chocorua. Added an 1854 signature to a Weber of Mount Washington. Added an 1849 signature to a Gerry of Mount Chocorua. Added an image of Champney to the gallery of Images of the Artists. Added a bio with portrait of Charles F. Lanman.

Added additional biographical information regarding William Sheridan Young.

Added a self-portrait of John Mix Stanley to his biography.

Replaced the About page image with a Gerry of Mount Washington.

Added a page with details on the exhibition New Hampshire’s Magnificent Mountains.
To view a gallery of biographical photos/sketches of the White Mountain artists, go to Artists and click on Images of the Artists.

Published the updated WhiteMountainArt.com  for a new, modern look and use by tablet and smart phone users.