Mount Chocorua and Squam Lake from East Holderness

This view of Squam Lake is described in The White Hills by Thomas Starr King on pages 84 and 85.

“The whole Sandwich range is in view behind the lower hills that guard the lake. The most striking picture is gained about five miles from Centre Harbor, from the top of a hill on the road, where, as we look over the broadest portion of the lake, and across several parallel bars of narrow islands, the whole form of gallant Chocorua, with his steel-hooded head, fills the background to the northward, towering, without any intervening obstruction, twelve or fifteen miles away. We give an illustration of this view [above]. But we can call attention in words only to a dark and massive mountain that stands also in landscape, wearing a hue as of beaten metals and adamant. From whatever point it is observed near Centre Harbor, it is distinguished by its darker color from the main Sandwich range, back of which it looms. And from Squam Lake it shows scattered points, and short, jagged lines of glittering lights, (probably bare points of quartz) which make its darkness sparkle as though it were sheathed in a coat of mail.”
